Jace’s mom took Jace to the ice cream stand. She said, “Jace you can order anything you’d like.”
His eyes grew large and a huge smile spread across
his face. “Wow! Anything?”
His mom smiled and nodded.
Jace looked over the menu. On the menu were pictures along
with the words. “Can I have three scoops of ice cream on a chocolate cone?”
“Yes. Go ahead and tell the man what you would like.”
“I'd like an ice cream cone. Three scoops, with strawberry on the bottom next to a chocolate
cone, chocolate next, and pistachio on the top please.”
The man handed Jace his ice cream cone. Jace and his mom sat down on a nearby bench.
Soon, Jace had ice cream on his face. The green pistachio
tasted great.
“Jace, do you like your ice cream?”
Jace’s mouth was full so he nodded.
“Remember a few weeks ago you asked for ice cream and
I said no?”
“I said eating ice cream at that time would spoil
your dinner. You asked me a few times that afternoon and I still said no. I
didn’t let you have the ice cream because it was better for you to eat your dinner
of meat, potatoes, and vegetables than to get full on ice cream. Ice cream is
not as nutritious as some other foods.”
Jace started on the strawberry. His face had green, brown,
and pink smeared together.
His mom continued, “Today, I thought you should have
some ice cream because dinner will be a little later and I wanted to give you a
treat. A few weeks ago, you asked me for ice cream and I said no, but today you
didn’t ask and I said yes. The Lord is the same way. He likes for us to ask Him
for things and sometimes He says, ‘Yes’ and sometimes He says, ‘No.’ On
occasion He says, ‘Not now.’ He knows what is best for us. The Lord will even
give us things we didn’t ask for. Did you know you can ask the Lord for the
same thing repeatedly and He will not be upset?”
Jase asked, “I can ask God for anything?”
“Yes you can, but remember if He says ‘No’ you need
to thank Him and stop asking.”
They walked to the playground to play for a while. Later,
they walked home. Jace could hardly wait to tell his dad about his three scoop
ice cream cone.
A widow, which is a woman whose husband
died, asked a judge to help her with a problem she had with someone.
Luke 18:1-8 tells us that she asked over and over to this judge. The judge got
tired of her asking and answered her request. Jesus said we should be like
her—asking day and night. Luke 18:1b and 7b NLT …they should always pray and never give up. …God will surely give
justice to his chosen people who cry out to Him day and night.
Asking over and over is called a petition. God says
in His word that we can petition Him. We cannot wear out the Lord by asking
over and over. He said we can pray for
the same things again and again. When I want a certain thing or feel a strong desire for something, I
ask for that something over and over. After a while, if I haven’t received an answer from
the Lord, I add to my petition: “Lord, if you don’t want me to have this desire
of my heart, please change my desire.” When we do this, we make ourselves open
to what the Lord wants in our heart and lives.
Sometimes what I want is a good thing, but not the
best thing for me. When I make my heart available to the Lord to mold to His
will, He turns my desires to things that are better for me.
A long time ago, I prayed for years for something.
Finally, I said, “Lord if this desire is not what you want for me, then change
my desire.”
The Lord changed my desire. Later, I saw what
I had been petitioning for wouldn’t have been the best thing for me. The Lord
knows what is best for us and He knows the future. He knows that if I have a
certain something, someone, or a change in circumstances, it may be bad for
me in my future. He only gives us things that will be best for us and for His
So boys and girls keep asking or petitioning God.
Remember to be open to having your desire changed if He wants.

Luke 18:1 Then
He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.

Luke 11:9 So I
say to you, ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock,
and it will be opened to you.
Verses in NKJV unless otherwise stated.
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