God the Father sent His
only Son, Jesus (God the Son) to come to be born on Earth. We celebrate
His birth at Christmas time. Look at the word Christmas. Christ is in
the word Christmas. I love Christmas! I love to see the snow and
beautiful decorations. I love to give and receive gifts. We celebrate Jesus’
Birthday by giving gifts to each other. Aren’t you glad on your birthday you
don’t have to give gifts to others? Remember, when you are opening gifts on
Christmas, that it is Jesus’ Birthday, and wish Him a Happy Birthday!
Jesus is the One called
Christ who was promised to come since the beginning of the
Bible. The Bible is God’s word and everything in it is true because God never
lies. Everything in the Bible points to Jesus coming. Jesus is the One Abraham
believed would come someday. Abraham believed God’s promise
that through his family one special someone would someday come. Jesus Christ
is the promised One, the Savior.
I just mentioned
Abraham, and you may be wondering who Abraham is. Abraham is the father of the
Israelites, also known as the Hebrew Jews. The Jews are people chosen by God to be His
special people. You may have heard of the country of Israel. Israel is the
place and name of God’s chosen people. If you have someone to help
you, or if you can do it yourself, look at the world map and locate Israel. It is a very
tiny country in the Middle East, next to the Mediterranean Sea. We can read
about Abraham in our Bibles. He was born thousands of years before Jesus Christ, God’s Son, came to be born. God promised to send a Savior, or Deliverer, for all
the people of the world. Abraham believed in Christ our Savior. Jesus Christ
would come to save His people from their sins many years after Abraham lived.
Abraham would not live to see Christ, but he still believed in Him. Most people
throughout the Old Testament of the Bible believed that Christ would one day
come, and they were looking forward to that day.
The verse I wrote at
the beginning of the lesson is: Believe on
the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. Hopefully you understand who
the Lord Jesus Christ is. He is the focus of who we are to believe in. I will explain
why we need to believe, or trust, in Him in the next lesson on Faith: Salvation. I know
these lessons may be difficult to understand. I am praying for you that the
Lord Jesus will help you understand who He is.
Memorize: Acts16:31 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.
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