Do you know what an anteater is? Have you seen one? An anteater is a mammal that lives in Africa, Central America, and South America who eats ants and termites. Ants and termites live under ground digging out tunnels and rooms. Termites eat wood and other plants. You can find them in fallen trees and other wood sources. Ants and termites mound up the dirt they have dug, creating a hill. This hill is their nest. Termite hills can become quite tall.
Anteaters use the long
tongues to lick up the ants or termites. It only takes a few seconds for their
tongues to be covered with insects because their tongues are sticky. Their
tongues move in and out of their mouths very rapidly. The anteater avoids
getting bit by the ants by staying only a very short time at each nest. Each
anteater has to visit around 200 nests each day in order to get enough food.
Anteaters have claws and cannot pick up their young, so the baby sits on its mother’s back until it is old enough to live on its own. They use the claws to dig at the large mounds the termites have made. This will release more termites and they will quickly stick their tongues in.
Babafemi is a giant anteater
who lives in Africa. His name means loved by his father and is pronounced, bah-BAH-feh-mee. Babafemi loves to eat
ants and termites. He loves them so much it has become a problem. He is what we
call a glutton. A glutton is one who eats much more than he should.
Babafemi is always in
search of food. He thinks about food all the time. He has mastered the best
time of day and the best nests to get the most insects out. He knows how to eat
many very fast so he can move to the next nest and so on. All day he is eating.
He finally stops when it is too dark to see. If another anteater is ready to
stick it’s tongue in a mound, he will shove the anteater aside and get the
termites first. He wants all the insects for himself. He dreams about eating. He
thinks about it first thing in the morning before the sun comes up. Babafemi
has gotten very large.
We were created to burn
calories for energy. We get these calories from the food we eat. Each bite of
food has calories. Our bodies convert the calories into energy which we burn. Just
like a car needs gas to run we need energy to burn. We need the energy to operate
our bodies. We use the energy to move our arms, legs, feet, and hands. Our
heart needs energy to beat. Our brains need energy to think. We need energy to
breathe and pump blood through our veins. We cannot grow unless we have energy
to burn. Our bodies need energy to grow our hair and finger nails. It takes
energy to digest the food we eat, converting it into the energy we need. Every time
you blink you use energy. You are using energy by reading or listening to this
story. When we exercise we burn more calories or energy than if we are sitting
If we take in more food
than we need, our bodies turn it into fat and store it for later. We need fat
in our bodies. Every person has fat in their bodies. If there is a day that we
don’t get enough calories from our food, then our bodies burn the stored fat. If
we frequently eat more than we need and we don’t burn it off, it becomes a problem.
If we don’t burn it, our bodies have to change it into fat, storing more and
more. We become too large because we have too much fat stored.
Our friend Babafemi has
done just that. His body did not need the extra calories from the food he ate.
His body did what it should do, changed it into fat, and stored it for later. He
kept eating more and more everyday so he didn’t burned the fat that was stored.
Now he has a problem. He is so large he has difficulty walking because his
joints hurt. His feet and legs hurt. He is carrying around too much weight in
stored fat. Instead of weighing less than 100 lbs., he weighs over 180 lbs.
He is over weight
because he became a glutton. What do you think Babafemi should do? First, he
should stop eating so much. Second, he should start going on walks to burn up
more energy. If he does these things his body will start burning the fat he has
God warns us about
being a glutton. Proverbs 23:21…the
glutton will come to poverty. Proverbs 23:2 Put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to appetite. Proverbs
28:7b A companion of gluttons shames his
It is easy to over eat because
food tastes so good. Just like Babafemi loved the taste of ants and termites,
we love the taste of our food too. We need to eat only what our bodies need for
fuel or energy. We also need to eat food that is healthful to us. Food like
fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins are what is best for our
bodies. Cookies, candy, cake, pie, and ice cream have more calories than fruits
and vegetables. Eating cookies, candy, cake, pie, or ice cream every day is not
the best thing for our bodies. Most drinks we drink contain calories also.
Water doesn’t and it is the best for our bodies.
Babafemi is an example
we do not want to follow. Let’s make sure we eat right and get plenty of exercise.
When we do, we will be happier and healthier.
Memorize: Proverbs
23:21…the glutton will come to poverty.
Verses in NKJV unless
otherwise stated.
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